
# Job Introduction

A Job is the basic unit of task execution and can be divided into three categories:

# Built-in Tasks

  • type:

    • type: String

    Specifies the built-in task to be executed in this step.

  • options:

    • type: Object

    Specifies the corresponding parameters for the built-in task.

  • optionsFrom:

    • Array<String> | String

    Specifies the local or Git repository file path to be loaded as parameters for the built-in task. Similar to the imports parameter, when configuring optionsFrom as an array, if there are duplicate parameters, the later configurations will override the earlier ones.

    The fields with the same name in options take precedence over optionsFrom.

    Refer to Authorization for Config File References for permission control when referencing configuration files.


name: install
optionsFrom: ./options.json
  key1: value1
  key2: value2
// ./options.json
  "key1": "value1",
  "key2": "value2"

# Script Tasks

- name: install
  script: npm install
  • script:

    • type: Array<String> | String

    Specifies the shell script to be executed in this step. Arrays are concatenated using && by default.

    If you want the script to have its own execution environment instead of executing in the pipeline environment, you can specify the execution environment using the image property.

  • image:

    • type: String

    Specifies the execution environment for the script.


- name: install
  image: node:20
  script: npm install

# Plugin Tasks

Plugins are Docker images, which can also be referred to as image tasks.

Unlike the previous two types of tasks, Plugin Tasks have the advantage of having more flexible execution environments. They are also easier to share within teams, companies, and even across CI systems.

Plugin Tasks achieve the goal of hiding internal implementation details by passing environment variables to the ENTRYPOINT.

Note: Custom environment variables set through parameters such as imports, env, etc., will not be passed to the plugin, but can be used in variable replacements in settings, args. CNB system environment variables will still be passed to the plugin.

  • name:

    • type: String

    Specifies the name of the Job.

  • image:

    • type: String

    The full path of the image.

  • settings:

    • type: Object

    Specifies the parameters for the image task. Fill in according to the documentation provided by the image provider. Environment variables can be accessed using $VAR or ${VAR}.

  • settingsFrom:

    • type: Array<String> | String

    Specifies the local or Git repository file path to be loaded as parameters for the image task.


    • If there are duplicate parameters, the later configurations will override the earlier ones.
    • Fields with the same name in settings take precedence over settingsFrom.

Refer to Authorization for Config File References for permission control when referencing configuration files.


Limit both images and slugs:

  - a/b
  - a/b

Limit only images, not slug:

  - a/b

settingsFrom can be written in the Dockerfile:

FROM node:20


# Example

With imports:

- name: npm publish
  image: plugins/npm
  imports: https://xxx/npm.json
    username: $NPM_USER
    password: $NPM_PASS
    email: $NPM_EMAIL
    folder: ./
  "username": "xxx",
  "password": "xxx",
  "email": "",
  "allow_slugs": ["cnb/**/**"],
  "allow_images": ["plugins/npm"]

With settingsFrom:

- name: npm publish
  image: plugins/npm
  settingsFrom: https://xxx/npm-settings.json
    # username: $NPM_USER
    # password: $NPM_PASS
    # email: $NPM_EMAIL
    folder: ./
  "username": "xxx",
  "password": "xxx",
  "email": "",
  "allow_slugs": ["cnb/cnb"],
  "allow_images": ["plugins/npm"]

# name

  • type: String

Specifies the name of the Job.

# ifModify

  • type: Array<String> | String

Same as Stage ifModify. Only applies to the current Job.

# ifNewBranch

  • type: Boolean
  • default: false

Same as Stage ifNewBranch. Only applies to the current Job.

# if

  • type: Array<String> | String

Same as Stage if. Only applies to the current Job.

# breakIfModify

  • type: Boolean
  • default: false

Same as Pipeline breakIfModify. The difference is that it only applies to the current Job.

# skipIfModify

  • type: Boolean
  • default: false

If the source branch has been updated before the execution of the Job, the current Job will be skipped.

# env

  • type: Object

Same as Stage env. Only applies to the current Job.

The priority of Job env is higher than Pipeline env and Stage env.

# imports

  • type: Array<String> | String

Same as Stage imports. Only applies to the current Job.

# exports

  • type: Object

After the execution of a Job, there is a result object. You can use exports to export the properties from the result object to environment variables, which will be available during the current Pipeline lifecycle.

For more details, please refer to Environment Variables.

# timeout

  • type: Number | String

Sets the timeout for a single task. The default timeout is 1 hour, and the maximum timeout is 12 hours.

It is applicable to script-job and image-job.

The following units are supported:

  • ms: milliseconds (default)
  • s: seconds
  • m: minutes
  • h: hours
name: timeout job
script: sleep 1d
timeout: 100s # The task will time out and exit after 100 seconds

See Timeout Strategy for more details.

# allowFailure

  • type: Boolean | String
  • default: false

If set to true, it means that if this step fails, it will not affect the execution of the subsequent workflow and will not affect the final result.

When the value is of type String, it can read environment variables.

# lock

  • type: Object | Boolean

Sets a lock for the Job, and the lock will be automatically released after the Job is executed. The lock cannot be used across repositories.

Behavior: When Task A acquires the lock, Task B requests the lock and waits for the lock to be released before it can acquire the lock and continue executing the task.

  • lock.key

    • type: String

Custom lock name. The default is branchName-pipelineName-stageIndex-jobName.

  • lock.expires

    • type: Number
    • default: 3600 (1 hour)

Lock expiration time in seconds. The lock will be automatically released after expiration.

  • lock.wait

    • type: Boolean
    • default: false

Whether to wait if the lock is occupied.

  • lock.timeout

    • type: Number
    • default: 3600 (1 hour)

Specifies the timeout for waiting for the lock in seconds.

If lock is true, then key, expires, timeout, cancel-in-progress, wait, and cancel-in-wait will have their respective default values.

Example 1: lock is in Boolean format

name: lock
lock: true
script: echo 'job lock'

Example 2: lock is in Object format

name: lock
  key: key
  expires: 10
  wait: true
script: echo 'job lock'

# retry

  • type: Number
  • default: 0

Number of retry attempts for failure. 0 means no retry.

# type

  • type: String

Specifies the built-in task to be executed in this step.

# options

  • type: Object

Specifies the parameters for the built-in task.

# optionsFrom

  • type: Array<String> | String

Specifies the local or Git repository file path to be loaded as parameters for the built-in task. Similar to the imports parameter, when configuring optionsFrom as an array, if there are duplicate parameters, the later configuration will override the earlier one.

Fields with the same name as options take precedence over optionsFrom.

# script

  • type: Array<String> | String

Specifies the script to be executed by the task. When it is an array, it will be automatically concatenated with &&. The exit code of the script execution process will be used as the exit code of this Job.

Note: The default command line interpreter for the base image used in the pipeline is sh. However, specifying a different image as the execution environment may result in a different command line interpreter.

# commands

  • type: Array<String> | String

Same as the script parameter, but with higher priority than script. Mainly used for compatibility with Drone CI syntax.

# image

  • type: Object | String

Specify which image to use as the current execution environment for the job, used for docker image as env or docker image as plugins.

  • string Image name, such as node:20.
  • image.dockerUser: String Specifies the Docker username used to pull the specified image.
  • image.dockerPassword: String Specifies the Docker user password used to pull the specified image.

If image is specified as a string, it is equivalent to specifying

# settings

  • type: Object

Specifies the parameters required for executing the image task. See Plugin Task Introduction for details.

# settingsFrom

  • Array<String> | String

Specifies the local or Git repository file path to be loaded as parameters for the image task. Similar to the imports parameter, when configuring settingsFrom as an array, if there are duplicate parameters, the later configuration will override the earlier one.

See Plugin Task Introduction for details.

# args

  • Array<String>

Specifies the parameters passed when executing the image. The content will be appended to ENTRYPOINT, and only supports arrays.

- name: npm publish
  image: plugins/npm
    - ls

This will execute:

docker run plugins/npm ls

# Task Exit Codes

  • 0: Task succeeded, continue execution.
  • 78: Task succeeded, but interrupts the current Pipeline execution. You can manually execute exit 78 in a custom script to interrupt the pipeline.
  • other: Number, Task failed and interrupts the current Pipeline execution.