Custom Buttons

Supports configuring custom buttons on the page, to trigger the execution of CI pipelines (only supports triggering web_trigger events). Supports entering environment variables on the page

Currently, only supports configuring custom buttons on the branch details page.

# Custom Button Configuration

Add a .cnb/web_trigger.yml file in the root directory of the repository to configure custom buttons.

# .cnb/web_trigger.yml
  # The following buttons will be displayed on the branch details page with branch names starting with release
  - reg: "^release"
      - name: Button Name 1
        description: Button Description
        event: web_trigger_one # Triggered CI event name
        # Environment variables
          a: 1
          b: 2
        # Manually input environment variables, which can override the above env variable configuration
          # Currently supports the following three formats: input box (input), multiline text input box (textarea), dropdown selection box (select)
            # Input box
            description: Input Variable 1
            required: true # Whether it is required
            type: input
            default: Default Value 1
            # Input box
            description: Input Variable 2
            required: true
            type: textarea
            default: Default Value 2
            # Dropdown selection box
            description: Input Variable 3
            required: false
            type: select
            default: Default Value 3
              - name: Option 1
                value: value1
              - name: Option 2
                value: value2

  # The following buttons will be displayed on the branch details page with branch names starting with dev
  - reg: "^dev"
      - name: Button Name 2
        description: Button Description
        event: web_trigger_two
      - name: Button Name 3
        description: Button Description
        event: web_trigger_three

  # The following custom buttons will be displayed on all branch details pages
  - buttons:
      - name: Button Name 4
        description: Button Description
        event: web_trigger_four

Currently, only supports configuring custom buttons on the branch details page. The key value in yaml is branch, and the value is an array format. The array element definition is as follows:

  • reg: Optional, String, regular expression, used to match the branch name (only branches that match will display the custom buttons configured by buttons). If not filled, it matches all branches.
  • buttons: Required, Array<Button>, custom button definition. Button type definition is as follows:
    • name: Required, String, custom button name
    • description: Optional, String, button description
    • event: Required, String, event name
    • env: Optional, Object<string, string>, environment variables passed to the web_trigger event pipeline
    • inputs: Optional, Object<string, Input>, manually input environment variables. The key value of the object is the variable name, and the Input type definition is as follows:
      • description: Optional, String, description information
      • required: Optional, Boolean, whether it is required
      • type: Optional, String, input box type, optional inputtextareaselect, default is input
      • default: Optional, String, default value
      • options: Optional, Array<Option>, dropdown box options when type: select. Option type definition is as follows:
        • name: Required, String, option name
        • value: Required, String, option value, used as the environment variable value

# Custom web_trigger Pipeline

The custom buttons in .cnb/web_trigger.yml only support triggering web_trigger events.

The web_trigger event pipeline is configured in .cnb.yml.

# .cnb.yml

# Match branch names starting with release
  # Custom button triggered events
    - stages:
        - name: Output Environment Variables
            - echo $a
            - echo $b
            - echo $var1
            - echo $var2
            - echo $var3

# Match branch names starting with dev
    - stages:
        - name: Execute Task
          script: echo "job"

    - stages:
        - name: Execute Task
          script: echo "job"

# Match all branch names
    - stages:
        - name: Execute Task
          script: echo "job"

# Permission Description

Only users with repository write permission can click custom buttons to execute web_trigger pipelines.