

Trigger a custom event pipeline in another repository within the current repository.

# Applicable Events


# Parameters

# token

  • type: String
  • required: true

Personal Access Token.

The new pipeline trigger will be initiated by the user corresponding to the token, and it will check for the permissions of the target repository.

# slug

  • type: String
  • required: true

The full path of the target repository, for example: group/repo.

# event

  • type: String
  • required: true

The custom event name for triggering must be either api_trigger or start with api_trigger_.

In order to trigger the pipeline, the target repository must have a pipeline configured for the corresponding event.

# branch

  • type: String
  • required: false

The triggering branch. The default value is the main branch.

# sha

  • type: String
  • required: false

"Trigger commit ID in the branch. By default, it takes the latest commit record of branch."

# env

The environment variables when triggering the pipeline in the target repository.

The default values include the following environment variables that cannot be overridden by the user:

  • API_TRIGGER_BUILD_ID,It has the same meaning as the CNB_BUILD_ID environment variable in the default CI environment variables.
  • API_TRIGGER_PIPELINE_ID,It has the same meaning as the CNB_PIPELINE_ID environment variable in the default CI environment variables.
  • API_TRIGGER_REPO_SLUG,It has the same meaning as the CNB_REPO_SLUG environment variable in the default CI environment variables.
  • API_TRIGGER_REPO_ID,It has the same meaning as the CNB_REPO_ID environment variable in the default CI environment variables.
  • API_TRIGGER_USER,It has the same meaning as the CNB_BUILD_USER environment variable in the default CI environment variables.
  • API_TRIGGER_BRANCH,It has the same meaning as the CNB_BRANCH environment variable in the default CI environment variables.
  • API_TRIGGER_COMMIT,It has the same meaning as the CNB_COMMIT environment variable in the default CI environment variables.
  • API_TRIGGER_COMMIT_SHORT,It has the same meaning as the CNB_COMMIT_SHORT environment variable in the default CI environment variables.

# sync

  • type: Boolean
  • required: false
  • default: false

Is it executed synchronously? In synchronous mode, it will wait for the current trigger pipeline to be executed successfully before proceeding to the next task.

# continueOnBuildError

  • type: Boolean
  • required: false
  • default: false

In synchronous mode, when the triggered pipeline build fails, does it continue executing the next task?



    [key: String]: String | Number | Boolean


# Output Results

  "sn": "cnb-i5o-1ht8e12hi", // Build number
  "buildLogUrl": "", // Build log URL
  "message": "success",
  "buildSuccess": true, // Whether the triggered build was successful, this key only exists in synchronous mode
  "lastJobExports": {} // Environment variables exported by the last job in the triggered pipeline

# Configuration Example

# Basic Usage

Trigger a pipeline with the event name api_trigger_test in the main branch of the repository a/b from the current repository.

The configuration file for the triggered pipeline uses the .cnb.yml file in the main branch of the repository.

Check if the user has repository permissions using the access token $TOKEN.

    - stages:
        - name: trigger
          type: cnb:trigger
          imports: https://xxx/envs.yml
            token: $TOKEN
            slug: a/b
            branch: main
            event: api_trigger_test